Classroom Information

7th and 8th Grade Language Arts Classroom Policies
Mrs. Amber Coburn
919-644-6272 ext 104

Parents and students,
Welcome to the 2014-2015 school year! I look forward to a year of hard work and growth. Expect to be be challenged, but also to have fun. I am so excited to get to know all of you and work together!

Classroom Policies:
Classroom Attendance and Absences
  • Attendance is taken every day at the beginning of class. Being on time to my class means that when class starts you are seated, ready to work, and have all materials.
  • Please refer to the OCS handbook for specifics on absences and tardies.

Consequences and Rewards
  • Refer to the OCS Discipline Plan for consequences.
  • Rewards for positive behavior are daily praise, positive notes and phone calls, achievement assemblies, personal success; occasional class rewards such as outside time or some class time for ELA games.

  • Homework will always be posted for students on the front board in the classroom as well as on my website. Homework assignments will vary based on what we are working on in class. There may be times where there are daily short assignments, or times when students have something to work on for an extended time at their own pace.
  • Homework should be turned in on time. If you are absent you are responsible for making up homework. I expect homework to be complete, neat, and done to the best of your ability! Homework is practice to help reinforce classroom concepts.
  • I am always available to help students with homework assignments during Tiger Time optional study hall, which is held in my room. Do not be afraid to ask for assistance! This is also a time that students may meet with me to be sure they are clear on assignments that need to be competed from an absence.

  • This year grades will be posted on Power School, which can be accessed by both parents and students. Do not expect that an assignment given in class will necessarily be posted in the online gradebook on that day. I usually update my gradebook once a week.
  • Please be aware that there is a school-wide change in the grading scale. We now operate on a 7 point scale which is as follows:
A= 100-93
B= 92- 85
C= 84- 77
D= 76-70
F= 69 and below
  • I use a weighted grading system. All assignments are percentage out of 100 with the following weights to make up the final grade:
Homework: 10%
Classwork: 30%
Quizzes: 15%
Tests, Projects, ISN Checks, Long-Term Assignments: 45%
  • I rarely give extra credit assignments. Because we will do so much work in class together, have Tiger Time where I am available for assistance, and have use of the online grading system, it should not be needed. If a student is struggling with a particular assignment or concept where they need extra help, please let me know as it is happening! It is important that our students become responsible and proactive about their school work and grades. Do not expect that that in the last week of the grading period that I will allow make up work to be turned in at the last minute or come up with extra credit assignments so that a student can get the grade they desire.
  • Always have ISN, binder with loose leaf notebook paper, and pen or pencil. For a more complete supply list, check out my website.

Contacting Me
  • I try to make myself as available as possible. The best way to reach me is via e-mail. You may also call me at my classroom extension. I try to respond within 24 hours. Be aware that if you call/email after school hours I may not see it until the next day.
  • If you would like to set up a conference, extra assistance for your student, or to help/volunteer with our class and school activities,  please let me know!

Tips for success in ELA

  • Be organized and prepared!!
  • Read!! For many students, I know reading isn’t a favorite activity; however, the only way to get better at reading is to read! Even if it’s a few minutes a day, reading a magazine, news article, comic… anything! I encourage parents to read the books their students are reading in class so that they can motivate and assist! It takes a village!
  • R-E-S-P-E-C-T: your teacher, others, and property
  • Have fun!! While we are here to learn, we are also a family. We need to have fun and enjoy our time together!

Welcome to the 2014-2015 school year! Here are some supplies you need for success in Language Arts in both 7th and 8th grade:

#2 Pencils (wooden or mechanical are fine)
College ruled notebook paper
Binder (1 or 1 1/2 will do)
***1 subject spiral bound notebook, college ruled, preferably with a vinyl cover and inner pocket built in. While I know this sounds very specific, this notebook will become the interactive notebook we will work out of all year! Vinyl covers last longer and the pocket helps with keeping up with ongoing pages and assignments. See example below:***

2 black or blue pens
Colored pens for editing writing and coding text
Highlighters (a variety of colors) for coding text and interactive notebooks
1 pack of markers
1 pack of colored pencils
Glue sticks
Sticky notes
1 pack of Index Cards (3X5 or 4x6)

Optional, but may be helpful throughout the year:
Tab dividers
"Kids" scissors with rounded edges
Scotch tape
Any other organizational items your student may find helpful such as folders, etc.

If you are able to donate any of the following items to our classroom any time during the school year they are always needed and appreciated!

Antibacterial gel

Creative project supplies such as: colored paper (any colors and sizes), markers (any colors and sizes), colored pencils, paint, paint brushes, letter stencils, masking tape, rulers, sharpies, poster board

Word games such as: Bananagrams, Scrabble, Boggle, Upwords... or any others you enjoy!

Thank you so much and if you have any questions, please let me know!

-Mrs. Coburn

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